E-News 4.26.24
You may remember us posting about some men from Canopy that started helping Tiffany after her husband passed from a motorcycle accident in mid-December…Not only did they show up then to help get her house in order and in proper living condition but they are DONE with everything that was left unfinished! These men responded to a call for help, a call for hands willing to work and to serve and they have been going strong since! Here is a video of what has been happening at Tiffany’s home. How blessed are we to know these men, to walk along side them each day, and to learn from their selflessness!
Attention Canopy's soon-to-be graduates! Join us for a special
Sunday service on May 19th!
Sunday service on May 19th!
To help celebrate our Canopy Mother's, there will be an ICED COFFEE BAR on Mother's Day Sunday! Come a little early to get yours and enjoy your special morning with fellow mothers and friends!
If you would like for your baby to be included in the dedication, please see Pastor Herb at your earliest convenience or send him an email at herb@canopy-church.org
“Another roadblock to spiritual growth is license or living anyway we please. This is actually an abuse of grace. Join us Sunday morning at 8:45 as we discuss the abuse of our freedom in Christ and the consequences of misapplied grace.”
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