E-News 3.7.25

Canopy's E-Newsletter for March 7th, 2025
Dee and Danny Stoelting are serving coffee. Stop by and say hello!
Gary and Lois Owens are greeting this Sunday.
Linda Babbs and Trish Burkhart are with Toddlers.
Addy Normand will be teaching 3s and 4s and Preschoolers
(both classes combined into the same room).
Marcheta McWhirter will be teaching Kindergarten.
Mary Libby will be teaching 1st and 2nd Grade.
Craig Knutter will be teaching 3rd-5th Grade. 
There is a 5th Sunday in March and that means a Church Potluck!
Join us for Canopy's annual Spring Cleaning and Egg Stuffing Morning! This is so fun to work along side of others to clean up our beautiful church grounds and prepare around 1500 eggs for the Easter Egg Hunt! Families are welcome! There will be a sign up on the back table this Sunday so you can sign up for the job you would like to do or if you would just like to stuff Easter Eggs!
Janet Baker is putting together this great family activity for Easter for you to complete at home with your Canopy Kids! The kits will be available for pick up on April 6th at Canopy before or after service. These are for Canopy Kids families only please, unless you would like to donate $5 to give one to a family. Please fill out the form below by March 28th to have your kit waiting for you!
As we begin preparation for our Annual Egg Hunt on April 12th, we are asking for candy donations to go into the easter eggs. Please be sure these are individually packaged and can fit into plastic eggs.
You are invited to a Sunrise Service on Easter Sunday at Canopy in the outdoor classroom. We will also have our regular 10am service as well.
Attention ALL Roots Students and Parents! Reach out to Craig to RSVP or if you have any questions at 816-237-6040 or see him Sunday at service!
Online Tithes and Offerings
Set up your recurring tithes and offerings in the Canopy App or just click the button below!

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